23 May 2017 - the 4th anniversary of Many Hoops
Many Hoops is the name Paula Bidwell (Native American) and I gave to the heart to heart work we did beginning in May of 2013 and ending in Sept 2016 when Paula made her journey to "the other side camp." Our hearts' wish was to heal our piece of the American dilemma -- the legacy of pain, anger, and distrust. This website is but one of the fruits of our Many Hoops journey and is almost entirely Paula's work. I watched in awe as creative forces moved through her in direct response to each step we took together on our path of healing. I wish to also honor Paula's Irish husband Brian O'Flanagan who journeyed with us and whose humor and insights were an integral part of our shared journey. When you are called to take a chance and work on incredibly hard things heart to heart to heal the world, I hope you 'go for it.' Yes there is pain as you walk towards truth, but that pain takes you so deeply into valleys of love, trust, honor, respect, justice. Peace! Lea Gerlach (Pilgrim descendant)
Let us make a new thanksgiving that joins the sacred hoops of all Nations.

Introduction and information on the Wampanoag Nation and their people.
Buildings and events include Mashpee, Massachusetts One Room School House 1901,
Herring Pond Wampanoag Powwow 1928, Herring Pond Indian Church gathering of people 1918 and more.
Portraits include Abram Quary, Adriana Caesar-Amos-Thompson, James Mye and more.
The story of Jessie Little Doe Baird and the reclaiming of the Wampanoag language, information on the film “We Still Live Here” and links to Wampanoag language sites.( As a note the accurate spelling of Wampanoag is Wopânâak.)
A list of Wampanoag Tribes and Nations with their locations and websites.
This page includes a PDF slide show titled "What's in a Name?" which explains the various names given to the Thanksgiving pilgrims. The pilgrims never called themselves "pilgrims" find out why.
More than Turkeys and Feathers is a PDF slide show which relates the real story on how the national holiday we know of as ‘Thanksgiving’ was created, including a biography of Sarah Josepha Hale.
Pilgrim Houses - How were the houses built, what did they look like, what materials were used... and more.
Introduction with videos from contemporary Wampanoag and Pilgrim descendants
More Than Turkeys and Feathers - an informative yet brief slide presentation on how the National Holiday of Thanksgiving was started by one woman.
What's in a Name? - a presentation explaining the difference, meanings and origins of the terms Pilgrim, Separatist, Puritan, etc.
Wampanoag on Thanksgiving - writings and videos of various members of the Wampanoag Nation on the subject of Thanksgiving.
Other Native people on Thanksgiving - writings and videos by Native Americans across the United States on the subject of Thanksgiving.
Wampanoag on Thanksgiving - this page includes interviews with various Wampanoag people and how they feel about Thanksgiving. Included also are articles and stories by contemporary Wampanoag people. All of the interviews and articles reflect a truthful, yet compassionate attitude toward an extremely painful topic.
Other Native people on Thanksgiving - this page follows the example of the Wampanoag on Thanksgiving page. All stories and articles are written truthfully and some full of sorrow and pain, yet they still contain compassion for humanity. We believe each of the stories and articles contain much educational material and well worth reading.
Food and Recipes - Historic and Current - this is the introduction page for the various historic foods and recipes from the Pilgrim settlers and indigenous Wampanoag people. On this introduction page are a few poems, a short story and a humorous contemporary painting by Ojibwe artist David Bradley titled “Pueblo Feast Day.
What was served at the first Thanksgiving - is an educational page about the actual food that was available during the fall of 1621 at the “First Thanksgiving”.
Cranberries - this page has recipes and lots of information on cranberries including the Wampanoag and Pilgrim words for cranberry. There is also information on the Wampanoag Cranberry Day which is celebrated on the second Tuesday in October and other cultural aspects to the cranberry.
Pumpkin - this page has recipes and lots of information on pumpkins
- lots and lots of Wampanoag recipes including their names in the Wampanog language and many photos.
Crafts for Thanksgiving - The crafts we choose consist of projects that connect the hoops of humanity through historical and culturally accurate Thanksgiving arts and crafts activities from the Pilgrim settlers and the Wampanoag people. We have been told that this is the first website to go beyond turkeys, feathers and black hats with buckles for Thanksgiving projects. We hope these Thanksgiving craft projects will be of assistance in creating a world that goes beyond separation and a lack of common humanity into a world that celebrates the connectedness of all humankind.
Wampum Armbands and Bracelets explains what wampum is according to the Wampanoag people including many photographs to accompany these explanations. The project uses authentic Eastern Coastal Tribal designs. The instructions are easy to follow and require ordinary materials. Included are PDF downloadable templets and designs.
Cradleboard and Baby includes a photograph of a cradleboard by award winning Aquinnah Wampanoag Nation artist - Julie Marden. Our project design was inspired from Julie Marden’s beautiful and exquisite cradleboard. The materials are commonly found in stores everywhere or are already in our households. There are no specialized requirements or skills. Included are PDF downloadable templates and designs.

Bow and Arrow This craft is appropriate for all ages. The arrows are made of Q-tips and the bow is made from a popsicle stick and dental floss. This page also explains the traditional bow and arrow of the Wampanoag people. Included are photographs of a contemporary bow and arrow made by a Wampanoag artist.

Corn and Dirt a craft to eat! This craft is also a learning experience about the method of planting corn, beans, and squash that Tisquantum (Squanto) taught the Pilgrims. Oreo cookies and graham crackers are ground up to make "dirt". In the "dirt" a three pieces of candy corn and a a few graham cracker fish are planted. Then a cornstalk is added with candy pumpkins and jelly beans surrounding it.
Introduction to our coloring pages and books - The coloring pages and coloring books are comprised of historically and culturally accurate images of both the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims. We hope this will be a good start for our children in correcting the vast amount of misinformation and stereotyping around Thanksgiving. We hope these images also stimulate questions and thus created a deeper interest in history.
People - these pages include both Pilgrim and Wampanoag clothing and other cultural aspects of the people and the times. All of the coloring pages are historically accurate and portray both Wampanoag and Pilgrim settlers in a dignified manner. Each page is downloadable and free for non-commercial use. We hope that these coloring pages not only serve as an activity but as an educational tool.
Clothing - these pages show the various way the Wampanoag and Pilgrims dressed. Included are Wampanoag moccasins and Pilgrim Jack boots and many other clothing items that are culturally and historically correct. Please note the images currently used in almost all classrooms and advertising campaigns depict Pilgrims as Puritans with black hats and buckles which is totally incorrect and Wampanaog people as Plains Indians again this is totally incorrect. We hope our images will help educators and parents to encourage curiosity in our children about cultural diversity and the enjoyment of its many variations.
Foods - these pages include Pilgrim and Wampanoag stories about food and also images of the foods that were available at the “first Thanksgiving”. An example are the pages on the “Three Sisters - Corn, Beans and Squash”. Wherever possible we have placed Native and Pilgrims in interactive settings or in comparative settings where similarities are shown.
Music and Dancing - these pages show both the Wampanoag and Pilgrims dancing and their musical instruments
Squanto - A special page about Tisquantum also known as Squanto. We have included a short story about his life and coloring pages that illustrate it. We are also including cooperative games and activities to go along with the story and coloring page.
The Rabbit Story coloring book - The story of how the rabbit got it's tail told by a Wampanaog elder.
The Story of Squanto coloring book - The story of Squanto (Tisquantum) illustrated Thanksgiving history coloring book.
The Story of Squanto Baha'i Children Class coloring book - designed specifically for Baha'i children's classes with quotes to illustrate virtues.
Maze - Help Squanto find his way home.
Thanksgiving quiz - Boring No More! A quiz that reaches beyond the edges of myth with unusual and interesting facts about Thanksgiving designed for all ages.
Buddhist prayers and meditations about Thanksgiving from Buddhist tradition
Christian prayers and meditations about Thanksgiving from Christianity
Islamic prayers and meditations about Thanksgiving from Islam
Baha'i prayers and meditations about Thanksgiving from the Baha'i Faith
Information about stereotyping and Thanksgiving. Both the Pilgrims and Indians are victim. Learn what is real and what is stereotyping about both. There is also a video on specific stereotyping pertaining to the Wampanoag Nation.
Squanto - Includes the story of Tisquantum (Squanto) with coloring pages and activities.
National Day of Mourning - This page focuses o the Native American National Day of Mourning which occurs every year on Thanksgiving. The Day of Mourning has been in existence since November 26th, 1970 and is an important aspect toward understanding how many Native Americans feel about Thanksgiving. The other focus is on the elimination of stereotyping which some consider to be at it's worst during Halloween and Thanksgiving. The lesson plan is on Tonto and the Lone Ranger, the early television and Hollywood version. But it gives us a model to work on about the stereotyping of Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people around the topic of Thanksgiving.
Stereotyping - Using the images in this early stereotyping and it's huge media influence, we learn more about how to apply this sort of lesson plan in our classrooms, homeschool environments and with our own children at home. It is written in a unbiased manner.
Resources for educators and parents - This page currently contains several very good web links. Lea and I check each web site with both the eyes and minds of Pilgrim and Indian, so there can be no bias or prejudice on these sites. We consult on each resource before we add it. So, unlike many other resources available to parents and educators it may seem we have very few listed and there is a reason for that... Although, we will continue to search and add other resources as we find them.
This page contains our biographies, photos and our families.
Diary of our Journey is about all of our meetings which included Lea traveling from Georgia to Paula’s home in New Mexico and the intensity of these meetings. The journey of healing the past to create a better present and future is one of extreme emotion and courage. There are many photographs that document this journey of two people and two cultures and the evolution that followed. It is a continuing journey and will be updated frequently. The photograph on the left is a double rainbow that appeared on the first day of our third meeting.
Resources - An introduction page
Web site links - Links with accurate and culturally appropriate information.
Books - Lists of sources for exceptional books about Thanksgiving, Wampanaog and Pilgrims.
Articles and papers on Thanksgiving - The featured article is from the Smithsonian Magazine titled “Native Intelligence”.
Movies - a list of movies that we believe accurately portray Thanksgiving and the people around it. You might be surprised at the movies we do not recommend...

Stuff we have to add so search engines can find us:
Many Hoops around Thanksgiving is a website about the first thanksgiving, the way the pilgrims and Native American Wampanoag lived and celebrated the first thanksgiving. Many Hoops looks on this subject from an objective and historic view and incorporates a much needed cultural sensitivity. Starting with the historic view and ending with the contemporary view of how the Nation is today and what we can do to improve our relationships through the knowledge of the past.
The national holiday of Thanksgiving was created by Sarah Jospepha Hale and her history and her contributions to society are told in story form. How the holiday of Thanksgiving was created after many years of effort and how Sarah Josepha Hale created the thanksgiving holiday we know today. Looking back in history and dispelling many of the myths around Thanksgiving will give us a better perspective on the world we live in today as it changes from a strictly national view to a global view.
Explanations are given for the various words used during Thanksgiving, such as pilgrims, puritans, brownists, separatists, old comers, old planters, reformists and also details on the religion of the pilgrims and the puritans and their impact on the history of the United States. Traditional Native American Wampanoag culture and spirituality is discussed to dispel many of the historic references that contained concepts that were misunderstood and misconceived and erroneous by the European and English pilgrim and puritan colonists. A look at contemporary Native American, specifically Wampanoag issues and concerns is also part of Many Hoops around Thanksgiving as we begin to look at cultural sensitivity, elimination of stereotypes and stereotyping of Native Americans. Specific activities and suggestions for the everyday person are given as small steps toward a big change. Education about Thanksgiving and the Wampanoag people is of utmost importance. Especially for our children and future generations.
Included on the Many Hoops around Thanksgiving website are native american crafts and pilgrim crafts for thanksgiving for kids and adults. Also decorations for thanksgiving, coloring pages about thanksgiving, an educational thanksgiving coloring book for children from kindergarten and older.
There are numerous recipes for thanksgiving, articles about the original thanksgiving food, the foods and recipes of the Wampanog Native Americans. There are thanksgiving prayers from Native American and Baha'i. A page dedicated to Native American Wampanoag language and it's revival.