First Thanksgiving - Boston City Hall Linda Coombs
First Thanksgiving - Boston City Hall Connie Baxter Marlow
First Thanksgiving - Boston City Hall Paul Weeden
Princess Redwing was selected on behalf of her peers to be the first Native American to address the United Nations in 1946. Before her death in 1987 she called her people together to pass the mantle of her authority as orator and protector of the Royal House of Pokanoket and the Pokanoket Tribe of the Wampanoag to her nephew Deerfoot.
Since that ceremony in 1987 Deerfoot has traveled widely as orator for his people, speaking at schools and service organizations throughout the country, carrying on a documented tradition that has spanned generations.
Posted with permission from Mayor's Office of New Bostonians and City Hall Cultural Awareness Committee.

We Shall Remain, Episode 1 After The Mayflower Part 1
We Shall Remain: Episode 1 After the Mayflower Part 2
Found at:
We Shall Remain, Episode 1 After The Mayflower Part 3 - Good explanation of what happened right after the landing of the Mayflower from a Wampanoag perspective. This is a PBS production.
We Shall Remain, Episode 1 After The Mayflower Part 4 - The first meeting with Massosoit - A PBS production
We Shall Remain, Episode 1 After The Mayflower Part 5